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Service Objective

For professional offices with limited computer resources, provides for the cost effective design, operation and maintenance of a local office network of desktop computers, servers and network devices.

Service Overview

Office computers have been a benefit to business, especially those with a small to mid-size office staff. They makes your correspondence look professional, save time in doing financial work, and have a tremendous value in using the special programs you need to be and stay productive. The problem is that it seems they always need some sort of repair, upgrade or other attention. You’re facing a dilemma: either teach one of your staff to keep up with the computer technology or hire someone to keep up with it for you. If you choose the first, you lose a valuable part of someone’s day. If you chose the second, you have to absorb the cost of a person who is strictly overhead to your business, even when you don't need their talents.

You may just need a technical expert once in a while. It would be perfect if that expert is someone that knows how to relate to your business and is also a technical star who is available only when needed.

Through this professional service, we can be your on-call personal computer advisor so that you can focus on what you do best.

Our services can provide you with three areas o assistance, rolled into one service:

Needs Assessment: Every organization is different. We start with determining what is most important to your industry and then to your specific company or group. We can help you design an office system that does exactly what you need – nothing more, nothing less.
Procedure Development: Having the right computers and software is important, but wasted money if your skilled staff can’t use them Effectively. We tailor a program to make sure that the people in your office can use the system most effectively. This goes for the quick starters and the techno-phobic. Our approach works for all.
Ongoing OSM: If you’ve figured out that the software and hardware upgrades that keep your system running successfully, virus free and dependable requires quite a bit of attention, you understand the nature of the beast. Our Office System Management service puts your business on a periodic maintenance program with a review of performance, update any software and advise you of situations you should be aware of before they turn into a crisis. With everything under control and a clear plan for your future, you can rest easy and concentrate on building your business.